Funeral Arrangements
This ministry is responsible for making arrangements for the many activities necessary for a respectful funeral, Memorial service, or Mass. The coordinator discusses the requirements of our Church, Pastor and the family. Mindful of the grief being endured by the relatives and friends, discussions are made in private and are confidential. Many questions must be asked and alternatives discussed. In addition to the funeral, they also make arrangements for a reception, if requested.
Micki Sabourin, Funeral Arrangements
Bereavement is a normal process following the death of a loved one. Grief is one of the deepest pains that one will ever know. One may have time to prepare oneself for a loss, or it may come suddenly. It is always a shock, and one that must be faced.
Each mourner needs to move at his/her own level of comfort and ability. If the mourner feels caught or unable to move on with his or her life, professional help may be needed. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to talk with Msgr. Pulskamp..