

  • Altar Servers: At each weekend and weekday Mass there is one server. They set up the altar and assist the priest during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
    • Contact the Parish Office
  • Eucharistic Ministers: Assist the Priest in serving the Mass. They also distribute Holy Communion at Mass and Home Visitors may deliver it to those housebound or hospitalized. There are two groups of home visitors; those who serve after the Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass and, weekday home visitors. Eucharistic Ministers are trained by our Pastor or his delegate. Home Visitors are required to complete Safe Environment training and have a background check.
    • Contact the Parish Office
  • Greeters: The first impression of our parish comes from how one is greeted at the door. Our greeters hand out the bulletins, answer questions, and make people feel welcome.
    • Contact Donna Forst
  • Lectors: Read two readings at the Mass for which they are scheduled. They use the lector’s workbook to help gain an understanding of the readings. They also read the Prayers of the Faithful and may perform as a Eucharistic Minister if needed.
    • Lector Training Mike Hanlon 
    • Contact the Parish Office
  • Liturgy Committee: Prepares sacred liturgical Masses leading the faithful into a full, conscious and active participation of the Eucharistic celebration. This committee consists of the leaders of the Liturgical Ministries, the Flower Committee and the Pastor.
  • Mass Collections: Men and women of the Parish, approved and interviewed by the Pastor, meet weekly to count our Parish weekend and holiday collections, and to deposit the receipts in our parish account at a local bank.
  • Music Liturgy
    • Cantor: Our cantors lead the parishioners in song during weekend Masses. Music is chosen by the Parish Music Director to be complimentary with the Liturgy being presented. If interested, contact our Music Director to schedule an audition.
    • Organist & Musicians: Our organists accompany the cantor and the parishioners in song at weekend and holiday Masses. Alternatively, other musicians are also scheduled to supply the accompaniment.
      • Music Liturgy Lorie Reiter 
  • Ushers: The Ushers assist at our weekend Masses and other religious services. They collect Mass donations; help the handicapped to their seats and direct traffic in the church.
    • Contact the Parish Office